Thursday, August 30, 2007


  • There has been lot happening in World especially in India . Today , There was a rally going on of BJP and CONGRESS in Shimla , At the same time a 6 year old boy had some health problem . He was being rushed to hospital with a hope of surviving but the people i.e political people didn't happen do this . He was in the middle of the way and there was clash between two political people , Which gave a huge hype to big Traffic jam where that 6 year old boy was fighting for his life . Finally , He died in that clash . Doctors said that he could have been survived if he was brought to hospital 5 minutes earlier . Because of the useless clash , It lead to death of a son , of a human being , of a child and of an Indian. I was very upset with the the people . The political people through their fault on opposition . The death ended in politics .
  • There was clash between people and police in UP and MP . The similar happened in Delhi . Every thing is happening and it will be happening Until and unless there is a full stop to this .

1 comment:

Rajasekhar said...

barun, if someone has thoughts like you in the political side, then India would have been somewhere else ... they count deaths due to naxals and terrorism, but not deaths due to politics .. when they do, they'll know ..