Engineering , Should deal with projects to learn a subject not books . Though , we know its importance , We relay our selves of it . This is known by people and JNTU . Hence, to overcome from this filth , They made it as a subject , Where marks will be awarded . The project in fourth yr - 1st semester was mini , Had loots of sweat but the term mini was enough to freeze it . The experience was awesome and we gave the best PPT [Paper Presentation] . As , we entered to fourth yr - 2ND semester , We had mammoth subject and that was major project , Where the tension begun and it was worse than it was with mini project . The first sweat was for term - Major and then for the field to choose .
- We have to do the project in Embedded or VLSI [Very Large Scale Integration ] or DSP [Digital Signal Processor ] . The toughest of all , What we call 'Baap Of All' is VLSI . Knowing, this we avoided VLSI but at the end of the day we selected VLSI . The feeling which i have now is entirely diff. from that before selecting project . I really don't understand the projection of life .. .. We really cry before doing something but after that incident happens , The reaction is ... very cool . It is like ' Take A Chill Pill , Yar ! ' , Where was this before , If it was before then we wouldn't have sweat our body with tensions .. . isn't it .
So , Funda is that never take every thing seriously in life , Whatever need to happen , it will happen and No one can change it .
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