People in India are much smarter and better than other people in the world ... and that i don't say, Its the international survey that has proven. Then, why India is not considered as the powerful country in the world. The trade mark of cheap labour

is still attached to this nation. Why? It is because we Indians are poked brutally with this " Chalta Hai ! "Attitude. The culprit may be a family member but most of that comes out from within.
For example - We know that accident is the first impression what you get, while driving yourself on the road, That can be restricted by putting a helmet on your head [For Two Wheeler] or putting a seat belt [For four wheeler] to quite extent but we don't do because Chalta Hai [Take It Easy] attitude comes into act. Oh ! my god, What the hell will you do when you are dying because of your f ' ing attitude man. Men and women don't wear helmet because they want to show their f ' ing face to people, So that they can become talk of the street leading to talk of the state leading to talk of the country and so on . . . . I wanted to ask, At the speed of train who the hell will see your face and don't the people are having any work other than looking at your face, They can't even recon which gender you belong to because now a days gals say - why can't gals have all the fun - Wow ! this was the last thing i was waiting for. I say this because even now gals are riding bikes and scooters, Yeah ! you heard right its not scooty .. . . .Those days are gone now darling.
Though, The case of two wheeler are worse but four wheeler are not a way behind. There is no excuse for this but in case of helmet the weight is a bit consideration, Which you have to put on your head [ Worth only for it ] ha ha . . .What reason do four wheelers have ? They need to put seat belts in front of their body. That doesn't add any weight nor its a tiring job. Knowing all this still people don't, Why ? the same old story Chalta hai ! Ah ! Ah ! . . . . Myself, being a college student, I travel with my friends and some of them have cars. When i ask them to put seat belt or helmet [ In resp. cases ] they burst out with laugh, added to it some nail biting comments . The most common comment is that, " Be a man ", they quip. Common on . .. . .Common on, What the hell is the relationship between them. There is no link even. You judge a person on basis of a safety gear ha ha ...... wah !. Moreover, Some people do react to it in a negative way by not putting the safety gear.
The virus of Chalta Hai ! is reflected even in other parts of life . . . .Like the traffic signal, We know that Red signal ask you to stop but we don't mind in driving ahead, Why Chalta Hai !, like wise there are many more things to talk but its never ending story .
The reason for writing this is that Chalta Hai ! attitude may not harm you but it harms others, Especially your nation, Where others question about its strength, Its growth, Its dependence on youth. This " Chalta Hai attitude " may be present lifestyle but it will be the reason for degradation of future growth. So, before you think about Chalta Hai ! think of others, Most important about the nation .
1 comment:
Know what? We can't make people wear helmets or put on seat belts coz it's their own decision.. maybe this universe is finding a solution to the growing population by injecting the 'chalta hai' attitude into men.. and women too!!
This 'i-want-people-to-see-my-face-so-i-wont-wear-a-helmet' thing is just ridiculous, but absolutely true.. Sandeep Singh is a great example for that (along with his Rs 99 goggles!)..
What a make-believe world we live in!!
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