- After , A lot of search we decided to go to Hitex . There an
event was being conducted which has variety of Dj's coming from different places , Some cool performers etc . The cost per head was Rs 2500/- , Which was too high for some of them . But we finally made it . Now , we were desperately waiting for that big event . The day of blast have come i.e; 31st night . We went on to kalyan's house in Gaurav's innova , We reached his place well after 2 hrs and that was because of chaos traffic , Tension of being late to event was creeping within us but this was suppressed to some extent by music from Gaurav's car .
- We reached Kalyan's house and then the car filled up with 10 people , It was really loaded with Guy's . The fun started quite well after a clash of verbals between Mr Raju and An Un Identified Biker . It was really fun , The biker fellow was afraid and accelerated far away from us . The Front seat was occupied by Mr Raju , and Gaurav , While middle one - G.V.Karthik , Janga , Kalyan's Fnd . The Last one was occupied by myself , ranjith and Kalyan . I was dreaming about the fun which we would have there .
The venue approached and we could see angles moving around us with some pigs and other crazy animals , Instead of heroes like us . Though , accepting this fact was not an easy task for us but we could some how come out of that . Now , we were outside and as soon we steeped into that heaven it was WOW ! . . .. . That came out from every one's mouth , The night acted like a honey , The performers were like " cherry on a cake " . . . . I cannot describe it and unfortunately i dint gear myself with camera . When the party began , I had one music going on . ...
Chand Sitare Phool Aur Khushboo, Yeh To Saare Puraane Hain
Taaza Taaza Kali Khili Hai, Hum Uske Deewane HainWe went on to dance floor , Making our body move to music , It was really great . It was a dream come true for me , My friends had some wine but i dint because music is a wine for me , If i have that i shake to the tune of my life . . . . .. It went on till 2.45 am . I could see couples behaving romantically , Which dint bother me at all . The party came to an end but that was not for us , We went all around the place in Gaurav's car in search of fun . The hunger struck badly and search for food was totally a waste at around 3.15 am . There has to be an end for all and there was an end to this beautiful day , As we all departed . Gaurav , Ranjith , Raju and Myself went in his car towards his house , Gaurav asked us to take rest in his house for some hours . The time we stepped in his bedroom , We through our body's on his bed . . .Sleep was ahh . .. .. .. ...
- My eyes were tired , they expressed it by sending me a signal to close it . But dreams dint have much problem they went on like a movie of what all happened in the event . There should be a song for every movie and this was added up by Jal band from pakistan , The song was Aadat . . .. .. Wow ! hey hey heyayayay oooooo oooooo
aaaaaaaa aaaaa oooooo ooo
sabhi raatein hain
sabhi baatein hain
bhula do unhay
mita do unhay
aaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaaa ooooooooo
ab tho aadat si hai mujh ko
The movie came to an end and then my eyes went towards the watch which said it's 06.00 am , I woke up every one and we returned back to our homes . As , soon i reached home i went to bed and slept for 5 hrs . . . .. . . and spent rest of the day with my computer.
Well , It has been very good experience
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