just for last PUNCH
SYLVESTER STALLONE as Rocky balboa has been most success full in the history of Hollywood films.The writer and director of film is sylvester stallone.He had the idea of doing this film after watching the match between Mohammad Ali and Crup Weiner.This film Rocky has series of film rocky-1,2,3,4,5. But , Rocky balboa is back after a break of 15 yrs since rocky V and 30yrs since rocky I to create rocky 6.Rocky is about a boxer who struggles hard to face a new challenge every time.This film stood up not only bcz of the concept but also due to physique of stallone.This film won many academy awards for best film ,best picture,best song.Stallone began ruling Hollywood after his film ROCKY.People never expected the series of rocky to last for a long time but this was really great.People expected rocky to end in a better way but it couldn't.
- Actually, this film give's a lot of boost to people that they should never loose their hope and strenght but they should keep trying to reach their goal and succeed only by a true hard work, which rocky did in this film.Dude's many people went crazy about this film and i was also one of them.When ever i watch this film , it boosts me up but that does not last longer.I am planning to buy rocky DVDs and looking forward for it.
- In rocky 6 , rocky got retirement to go in the ring once again. Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) hard-up for money, decides to step back into the ring against a few small-time boxers. But everything changes when Rocky is offered the opportunity to step in with ...
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