My birthday today had AP separated. Something, nobody wants an start with destruction, it happened when i read in news that Home Minister has granted for a separate state TELANGANA . . . .Its was oops ! for some and wow ! for many, Which bombarded my ears with their songs and sounds. No objection to their enjoyment but really dint want another division, already there are many such dividers among countries to states to cities to villages to even roads . . .this could be a moment for cherish but for many its a trouble calling specially for people from proletariat background.
I don't understand why its a necessity for people to fulfill all their need making it dangerous for other, How can some one enjoy on others sadness. I could see people sharing their sadness with loots cry in their word about this situation. The protest for separate state led to many holidays that i could ever fantasize. I want to say that i was a lover of holidays but after this i started hating it to death, Every day i dress up for office and start leaving all personal stuff in hanger, after reaching there i am told its bandh that could un /professionally made to sabotage any thing i came across . I do believe that one should protest to things that is wrong, by keeping in mind that it wouldn't harm others. This is what Gandhiji Said and believed.
Without, deviating from the original topic lets talk about my birthday bash. Nothing great well i did not do anything, was busy with work but want to say this to me and myself
Why not seize the day to check out how your life is going? Rethink your errors and remember your successes, forgive yourself for your failures and take pride in your achievements. And remember that these errors, successes, failures and achievements are your story, the story of your life. And for this reason they should all be equally valued. Without them, you would not be who you are today.

Happy Birthday ! To me because I am Marvelous
I aM jUSt mArVelOUS ON THis UNYK daY