- Our internal exams was suppose to start on 8Th but were delayed because of some silly reasons . The holidays offered to us were washed off brutally by applying them in entertainment section . There is no doubt that would effect on our internal marks . These holidays , I planned to use them in my GRE preparation but neither of them was done . Till yesterday , I could manage the subjects some how , Thanks to those important questions given by our teachers . But , today it was not less than a hell . Neither , We were provided with important questions nor with pattern nor with any assignment nor with proper notes , the only thing we had was the big red colour text book , Which always alarmed us with its red colour [similar to red light in traffic signal , where we stop after coming across ] .
- I thought we would create a history of giving blank paper and leaving the examination hall after five minutes of start of exam , But this couldn't happen and history became a big jinx . Some students took a deep breath and began studying for exam and those who couldn't took help of chits . The exam hall were not according to roll No's but they were shuffled by themselves . Just 15 minutes after the exam began , students started rushing out of that , As the hope of copying was dropped down by the invigilators . Others , though attempted a two or three perfectly but were unhappy of going for four , Which was asked for .
- This is the only subject people don't like , This is the only subject where people have threat from . . . . I hope at least i do well in this . . .