- There has been lot happening in World especially in India . Today , There was a rally going on of BJP and CONGRESS in Shimla , At the same time a 6 year old boy had some health problem . He was being rushed to hospital with a hope of surviving but the people i.e political people didn't happen do this . He was in the middle of the way and there was clash between two political people , Which gave a huge hype to big Traffic jam where that 6 year old boy was fighting for his life . Finally , He died in that clash . Doctors said that he could have been survived if he was brought to hospital 5 minutes earlier . Because of the useless clash , It lead to death of a son , of a human being , of a child and of an Indian. I was very upset with the the people . The political people through their fault on opposition . The death ended in politics .
- There was clash between people and police in UP and MP . The similar happened in Delhi . Every thing is happening and it will be happening Until and unless there is a full stop to this .
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Zen Stone In INDIA
- Creative opened it's phase in mp3 industry with Creative Zen Stone , The first generation creative MP3 . Now , with some great changes Creative has announced Creative Zen Stone Plus , which is available in INDIA . This has OLED screen and stop watch function . This has Capacity of 2 GB .
- There wide range of colour's like Black , Blue , Pink , Red , White and Green . It has FM and Voice Recording Function . According , to company it has continuous play back of 9.5 hours and requires no driver installation , You can just drag and drop the songs in to this .
- It comes with wide range of accessories like arm abnd , wrist band , skin with clip , key chain . This player can be sported as a wrist watch with it's inbuilt watch . The cost is about 4999/- and comes with a guarantee of 1 year .
- The wide range of accessories made it go different from other player . I am going for this , Hope you do the same .
Thursday, August 23, 2007
- Sony Ericsson is really making some great designs and stylish phones , Which makes people go crazy ... and S500i is one of them . This is a slider phone which is quite smooth . The 2-inch screen looks really good . But , the factor of key pad goes down that is really a big problem . Though , it is handy but they could have made really go with the phones. The other thing is that a 3 in 1 connection has been given i.e; usb, charger, earphones .
- The camera can be used only when key pad is opened .The keys have hindi alphabets which puts hindi user is safe place .
There are some dedicated camera key which is at the top . It has the shortcuts as usual .
- The abhor part of phone is the M2 SD slot , This is placed near the power button , at the top . To push the card you need to have bigger nails . This do not have FM radio and battery life is poor .
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
- My birthday has been postponed since last year December and i was really regretting it . My friends dint question me about the party . I wanted give the party during my semester holidays but couldn't do it due financial problems . Finally , I heard about the birthday party of some of my friend and decided to give along with them . My interest was to go to a place where we could have nice dinner but nothing could happen so all because of money .
- The place was decided and it was Ocean Park , Where i never have been . I had a share with my another friend Raju . We all had a long drive till there and it was enough to irk us . I thought there will be a chaos park , Which happened to be only a thought . The crowd was very poor . We went to the places and had a lot of fun . My friends were very keen to go to swimming pool , Most of them got their stuffs to get into pool . Myself , Chata , Kalyan, Harsha and Anil stepped away from it . In the swimming pool Gaurav was dominating and was a big bully there . Fantastic fun we had , I was interested to get into 360 degrees but time dint permit us . We had lot of hunger stayed in us and people rushed to the same restaurant - Green Wood . We stayed out of biryani Since last time we came across some stones . I was going over the food very quickly , I had great food on that day . The day ended with some good food and fun.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Nokia with its Prism Collection
- Nokia unveils its Nokia Prism Collection . This is mainly for the people who are style conscious . The collection consist of 7900 and 7500 . This is having a diamond cut design where led etched out .
- The nokia 7900 has a feature of living wallpaper which changes according to time , battery and signal strength. So, each screen is unique .It has this gallery of illumination color , which is about 49 and when selected the color radiates through keys and led screen . Lights are emitted from top to signal missed calls and messages . It has 2 MP camera with flash and comes with 1 GB of internal memory .
- The nokia 7500 has black exterior i spliced with bright , interchangeable color accents .It has mp3 and video player , FM radio , USB connection and Blue tooth . This has flash with 2 MP camera .
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sanju And Salu
Sanjay Dutt :
Lived many lives in one . He is a protective man in industry . He is a good friend , father , son and a great actor . He is none other than " SANJAY DUTT " . He started his films in 1980's . He did not have great time with acting and more over his mother expired . He wanted to see his debut film with his mom and on the opening day , he left a seat vacant and sat beside that with a hope that his mom is watching it . After , all these he came in encounter with bomb blast because of which he was behind bars for months together . He and his family broke down . His father was a big support to him at that time . Sanjay dutt was back and his filmy career was carried on . He was saying that during his stay in jail , He learnt what is freedom all about . Just think the place where you are asked to do nothing without the permission . He had faced many challenges in life like death of wife , father . Though the odds were banging at him he never stumbled .
- I would like to say that he is a man of steel .
Salman :
He is a man with golden heart but a bad boy . He is a person who thinks about others . Though , He had a filmy background never bothered about it . He got in to films like a normal guy and began his era . He was in jail for killing a Black Buck for months , When he was in jail he gave all his expensive clothes to people who had nothing to wear . Once, on the streets of mumbai he saw a poor fellow how was desperately in need of money . Salman gave money from his pocket but they were very less , So he decided to beg the people around him . He never thought of his star dome and was begging . People till then knew only salman who was acting but on that day they saw salman as a person . hmm...... wow ! that really great , I hardly could see something like that .
- I would say that he is man of heart .
These people are actors but have many positive thing towards normal people , They have no bars of being famous .. . . . I wrote this post about them because i liked them and wanted people to like them , know them properly .
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Discrete Performance
We people were informed about the exam's 2 weeks ago , Looking at the holidays in between the subjects , We took it very easy . I was concentrating on only one subject and that is LICA -linear ic application . I was confound on what i was doing . The exams were in front of us with no time .
- The first exam was MEFA - Marginal Economic And Financial Analysis , In short this is about loss and gain . This took us back to school days where we hated it to high mark . But, luckily the subject was interesting because of teaching skills of lecturer . The other subject is CO , LICA , DICA , AWP - are quite good . We can understand it up to some extent .
- DC - Digital Communication , This subject make us feel really handicapped . I don't know why it is happening . The lecturer is not up to mark because of which some are having fore danger of failing in this . But , I wanted to take this in a positive way .
We wrote the exams but AWP , DC was a doubt in every one's mind . The paper's were given and marks were very interesting except awp , Which were very horrible . I got very less marks which i never imagined and moreover this is my fav subject . I hardly could have thought of it . As , soon i saw my marks i was going round and round , So as others . There was a hell of pause in class and every one was looking at each other and the paper . We were behaving like pirates , trying to snatch marks of others but these were just the feelings and it happens . We took over the pain and went ahead in our lives with an approach that in the next exam we will go with a bang - a big bang and thats true my friends .
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
No cash To watch Cash
The season of exams were on and students dragged them selves to their study room with reluctance and I was one of them. I was completely vexed up with up exams and my friends too. On 14Th of this month we had DICA [ Digital IC Application ] a subject which is quite deceptive , So as the lecturer . We geared up for the exam and got away from it some how . After , the lunch people started bunking as-usual , We decided to do the same but while one of my friend MR.Gaurav was bunking , he was seen by our HOD . He was quite nervous and wanted to take permission to go out , instead of bunking . We got the permission and the feeling was of a free bird , Who is open to go where ever he likes .
- We set over selves to theater but dint have idea what was going on there . We halted near a shop where we purchased a newspaper . We went through the theater section like a rocket . Most of us where interested to watch "CHAK DE INDIA " , A film of Shahrukh . The time for the show to begin was 15 minutes away , My friend Gaurav went through short-cuts just like a dacoit . I hardly could have any idea about what was going on . We reached IMAX within 5 minutes to spare , My friend MR. Raju went to buy tickets but they got over . There was a bulk of disappointment on every one's faces , I was one of them . But , The intention to watch a film on that day dint get over . We rushed to another theater "SENSATION" , I never heard of it but others did . Again ,Raju went and stood in the line for tickets , He was joined by Mr Ranjith and me . We were creeping badly with the fear of not getting tickets but we were destined something else , We dint get any tickets again . We waited there with a hope of getting tickets in black , Even that dint work out. My friend Natrajan suggested to go to PVR [ a theater ] but the slap of fate stopped us from doing it again . We turned back to IMAX to watch another movie "CASH " , Which was not a great hit .We asked Natrajan to pay for tickets as we dint have enough money . We got the tickets and i could see some satisfaction on friends faces . We had some snacks and got into theater . Movie was packed with super and Branded cars .Allover , We had a stranded destiny time pass .
- Film got over and we started for home . On the way one of my friend really behaved badly , I am not going to through his name but people who traveled with us can identify him . He was shouting so badly that some people looked down , some looked surprised . I really regretted it . The day ended as we went to our homes and slept . . . .
Monday, August 13, 2007
Love To See
The celebration is the one which any one would love to see . I attended the birthday party of chanakya , One of my classmate in engineering . The decision was finally agreed by all the friends that we would go to Green Wood Restaurant , which is near a place named Gandipet . The next day we came to college as-usual , We attended the classes before lunch break . After,having lunch we planned to bunk and go to the decided place . The number of people were 12 but the source of travel were not enough . The source's were car and bikes .
Car was able to put 5 members and the remaining adjusted them selves in bike . I was in car in which my friend named natrajan has to dropped in his house , So we went a long way and it took hell of time to reach that restaurant . Long and tire-some journey was comforted well by the music . The car owner Mr. Gaurav Mishra have quite sounding collection of songs that is enough to doze-off . On the way i came across the places which i haven't seen . My friend Mr.Ranjith , gave every single information of the places , which helped me to know about it . He also told about his fathers showroom which was near by the area we travelled . Ranjith always put this question asking we , "why do the government chop the plants and trees for the sake of a flyover . If this goes on , then from where we will be getting food , which neither he nor me could me understand ."
I came across some of top colleges of AP - Vasavi and CBIT . I had this interest of watching them because i wanted to feel the atmosphere of a top college . I have never been into a top thing in my life , But i am praying and i will be praying to do a top job , to work in top company , to be a top citizen , to be a top Barun etc . I will achieve it and on this i would like to put a quote -" Success is a wonderful thing but never under-estimate the value of failure , As failure is the only one which teaches men many more thing then success ever can ." So , i have learned a lot and i hope i learn more but with some success .
Finally , we reached the place late than expected and thought that we are the last one . But , it was not so as my another class mate Mr.Kalyan wanted to discover a new route to gandipet because of which he got late . He succeeded in discovering the route but it was late enough to make us angry on him . We people dint waste time in waiting for him , instead of that we had a lot of fun in the park . The park contained some playing equipments which made us behave like a child . My self and my another friend Mr.Chaitanya were busy taking photographs . Though , the interest in playing was grooming up but rats in stomach were killing us . We got into the restaurent where we came across a group of gals but our eyes went on food instead of them . We gave the order and food was right in-front of us. The biryani had some stones which irked us . I had a frustrated lunch that day .
After , the lunch some of my friends had some other interest and remaining have to sit in the restaurant . Every , thing got over and we began our journey to home . Journey was stranded near by paradise . My friend's - girl friend was calling up , As she was waiting for more than a hour and also she was being followed up by two unknown persons . My friend was burning up and as soon the traffic got cleared up , He went like a rocket . We people had premonition of something bad .
- All over , it was a good and very experienced journey .
Saturday, August 11, 2007
History Created
Indian Team after a delay of 20 years won a test match in England . There was a lot of question being raised on the ability of Indian team . There was question on the coach , players , selectors . After , world cup performance people really hated cricket . When Indian team landed in England , People thought that they will be loosing this tour , But thought of Indian team was not so . They went there with no coach , Though they had some senior cricketers with them . They helped in every way possible .
The fist test match was snatched away from England which ended with a draw , Thanks to Dhoni who stood till last minute . From , Second test match Indian team played like a team . Effort was from each and every player , Which really impressed People,Selectors and mostly the captain . We have very rare chance of seeing such collective performance , In generally it would Dhoni's or sachin's or saurav's or karthik's or zaheer's reason for winning any match . Beating England and that to in England is like snatching a bone from a hound . The Indian team were blessed by luck , strength .
Friday, August 10, 2007
Kumble at his brim
- Indian Team began it's song with great performance by the top order . The batsman's had good score but not the big one , which every one was waiting for i.e; 100 . They were able to score 93 but couldn't go further as if there is a evil stopping them . The Jinx was never before but began in their England tour . The first victim of this jinx was the Master himself - Sachin Tendulkar . He was in an intention of 100 but on 93 , He was shown the direction of dressing room by Simon toffel . The decision was wrong , It was no way near . Sachin was upset, Umpire's were upset , Dressing room was upset , people were upset but English player were enjoying . So , the first 100 in this tour by Indian batsman was paused . This was the story of second test match of first innings .
- The final test , was on the way but it took a new way when another Indian batsman happened to face the Jinx . It was Dinesh Karthik , He was on 93 and was given out . This again was a wrong decision . Earlier , I thought batsman were unlucky but now it made sure that they are being followed by that evil again . Finally , there was no hope of an Indian Batsman scoring a century . Suddenly , from no where Kumble - the Jumbo , came and applied filth to that evil .
Wow ! .. .......................... Kumble roared wow ! , people did , dressing room did , players did along with him . He never dreamt of it . A bowler dreams only getting wickets but getting runs is just grave yard for them , Which kumble also thought . After , getting hundred he was more than happy . Happiness was not only for his century but also he is the second bats man to make 2000 runs after Shane Warne in the history of bowler's and the other was in this English tour he is the only bats to score a big hundred . This hundred gave him man of the match trophy , Not for his bowling but for his batting . There were smiles every where .. .. . ... In this way Jinx made it's end .
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Songs All over
As , i got my hard disk it went all over places . The first person whom i gave my hard disk was Kalyan , My college friend . He filled about 38GB with songs about 14GB and some movies, software's .
- I was really excited about the songs rather than other stuffs . I got almost all the songs , which i dreamt of having them . The songs were Guns and Roses , tata yong , hoobastank,AC-DC,Enrique,George Michael,green day ,Doors,Def leppard,west life,stings,the police,deep blue something daddy yankee etc. I tried to put all the songs but it occupied all my hard disk , I hardly had any more space . So , finally i deleted some files and got rid over problem to some extent.
- I had to put some songs in the portable hard disk . Later, the movies part came , As i dint have enough space in my hard disk , I put that in portable hard disk . I saw two films Final Destination - 2 , Crank .
- Final Destination - 2 , It is really a good movie based on Premonition . I saw some of them but this is the best . The sequence of the film is thriller , which will make your thoughts stumble. The scene of accident in the beginning is just superb , It's an unexpected direction . I was really surprised the way that shot was taken . It revolves around this fact that " For every life there is a death and only a new life can fight death " .I had a quite good movie day .
- Crank , This is the work , ruthless , insane , pacifying , horrifying etc , ever in my life . I can't tell about this movie because it is Useless . I had Nightmares of that movie , for a week .
- So , I had a precarious movie experience and some good music .
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
- I got a portable hard drive a week ago of about 80 GB . My father purchased for about Rs 4000 /- . He purchased it along with a case . It is a laptop hard drive . The coming of hard drive to my hands happened in this way - I had a 512 Mb pen drive , As the requirement exceeded than 512 Mb , I had to face a lot of problems . So , my father went for 4GB . I was satisfied but dint last for a long time , as it was used by my father for most of the time . So , the frustration with in me kept creeping , looking at my frustration my father decided to get a 80 GB hard drive , which will fill my requirement up to brim .
- I had never thought that people will see it with an enthusiasm . When , i showed it to my friend in apartment , he was very happy . He decided to get a similar portable hard drive , i gave it to my friends and they appreciated for it's making . I never expected such result from people . I later realized that , it is because they never came across that . The people were appreciating it in every way possible .
Monday, August 06, 2007
Race Against Time

- We were informed about our internals 15 days ago . I had intended to score superb marks , But for that i need to study properly . This i couldn't do it , because of laziness and lack of will. I read some where in my book that , " If you have made your will , Then you have achieved half of your success . "
- I had intention and plans but i don't put it in proper way . I got about two days holidays in 3 weeks , which i dint use properly . I was spending most of my time in front of my comp and sleeping , The time which i spend in studying was on a single subject - LINEAR IC APPLICATION . The reason was that , i went through that very properly and i understood each part of it . Which gave a lot of confidence in that . My habit of studying some thing is by giving 100% to it . This takes much time and i just miss other subjects .
- I have studied maximum up to 3 subjects out of 6 . This put me in helpless situation as exam's are 48hrs away . Now , i do no what i will do , i may have to change the habit of studying or reduce my sleeping hour's .
- I pray that the marks in this new - year , semester starts in a healthy way .
Sushmita Sen , said -
"If u don't stand for one thing , then you start falling for other thing "
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
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