As, New Year is approaching near , the plans are becoming more and more sophisticated . I mean they becoming more posh . Gaurav asked us to meet at his house , Which has become a meeting place . . .. We went through all the newspaper and the advertisements . We were not able to select one which is good because all looked good . The calls were made to all the places , Some gave disappointment and some gave a ray of hope . Ray of hope because it had a condition that , The place will split into two -couples and singles . We were in search of gals but there were two living search engines available - they are Gaurav And Chata . These are two lucky search engines where you can find plenty of gals . They went to talk to gals and ended up in disappointment . We were worried about the passes being sold out , Sweat was creeping deep in , With hopes looking at each other , From some where idea about HI Tech was out . Then finger went like a bullet through key pad and conversation with manager began , This came out to be a successful attempt made and brought smile on each and every face . Now, all are planning about shopping and I to have to plan , So meet u in next year ciaooooooooooo ................................
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I never thought that i will do , I never felt it would happen but it did , I splurged a loot of money on my birthday , I spend 4 times what i did for my last birthday . The First party was for my college friends at a resort , Second was for my apartment friends which was at CCD in Habsiguda , Third was at Belson Taj with other fnds . But , the one which i enjoyed the most was the first one , with my college friends . Though , Food was not so good but the other factors worked pretty well . I do no about my next birthday , What will be the situation , How will it work but hoping for the best . If some thing works out properly , I may give in a pub , Which is my dream . . .. .
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Ear Studs
Finally , I put ear stud on my ears . It's like a dream come true for me , I have been liking it since i saw it around Salman Bhai ears . I was afraid about the pain i would face to put those holes on my ear . He used gun shot to make those holes and it gave me a pinch of hurt .
I do no how am i looking but i did what i wanted .
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Hard Core Buckers
- We are sliding from a decent state to a hard core bunker state . Earlier , We used to to bunk in a controlled state and now it not .. . . I never new anything about bunk , It's engineering that taught . We used to bunk only the classes in which we don't have any interest but now we bunk all the classes after lunch . I do no why but we do it .
- We either sit on the grass which is beside aeronautical engineering or we go to the parking place of MRIT college , There we sit on bikes and discuss about all things excluding studies . As , most of the people are fond of Tollywood , Often they discuss about that . Discussion based on hero , heroines , their relation ship , disputes and some also about some idiotic scenes [ Its idiotic to me because it contains loots of non - veg stuffs ] . I really get bored up there . Then we mssg or call friends who r in class and ask them whether the class got over or not and we proceed to class . It got addicted to us and specially me , I started loving it much . We do no what will happen to our future and present . . . .. ..
- There only three people who put concern on this and they are Ranjith , Raju and Gaurav .
Ranjith - In the beginning he put pressure on moving to class but at the end of the day u can find him bunking with us .
Raju - He is the CR [Class Representative ] of our class and slaps all of us asking to attend class but as we r unshakable mountains , We stick to our decision and keep moving , Unable to tolerate this CR follows us . As , the yrs passed by now he is changed and gives a push to us .
Gaurav - He does every thing but after doing it he says this ."Hey! guys we r becoming bad people by bunking and its not a good thing for us and our future " , We start laughing and commenting on this .
Raju - He is the CR [Class Representative ] of our class and slaps all of us asking to attend class but as we r unshakable mountains , We stick to our decision and keep moving , Unable to tolerate this CR follows us . As , the yrs passed by now he is changed and gives a push to us .
Gaurav - He does every thing but after doing it he says this ."Hey! guys we r becoming bad people by bunking and its not a good thing for us and our future " , We start laughing and commenting on this .
Though , We are enjoying a loot by bunking etc but we do take care that we don't put filth on our carrier . "And who cares where we land on "
"I hope this world of enjoyment keep moving for ever and till infinite "
"I hope this world of enjoyment keep moving for ever and till infinite "
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Back To Books

Friday, December 21, 2007
I Pod - It's Mine .

- Finally , It's a dream come true for me . I always wanted to buy that from the time i saw it . But , I was waiting for the time to come . I used to hesitate in demanding that to my parents . It has been procrastinating and then birthday approached , I took some guts and put this interest in front of my parents . To my surprise they agreed . We went to TMC and bought I Pod Classic -Rs 14,500/- . I actually , Wanted to go for nano but the storage capacity was 8GB , Which was not enough for me and hands went on to 80 GB I Pod Classic . I Pod was in my hands but i wanted to buy a case for it . After , a lot of enquiry , I went to that place and bought it for Rs 500/- . It was really one of the happy moment in my life . As soon i reached home , I sat before my comp and worked over the installation , songs .
Hmm......... Wow ! what a music from those ear phones . . . I Love It .

- Music from I Pod made me go crazy , It was like " Crazy Kiya Re , Haa I Pod ne crazy kiya " - Similar to a song of Dhoom 2 . The five days from the day i bought I Pod was lovely . On the sixth day , I was in banjara hills for some reason . As, my parents had some work , I went to a near by shop and to my surprise , I found the same I Pod Classic for 12,500/- , It really shook me . I was going over my fate thinking , Why dint i buy this from here ? It really axed my thoughts , my happiness for some time but it was my friend .. . . .. . . my best friend I Pod which placed me on the road of - all smiles .
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My Best Birthday Party
My Birthday Cake

- This is the second day after the tour and having a big and sound sleep , Which i couldn't have in last 10 days or so .. . ... Though , The birthday was over , My party was hang over .and decided to give it today . I asked Gaurav about it , As he the best person to be asked for . He suggested me to give in " Alankritha Resort " . I dint take much time to agree on that . I had to make a personal call to about 13 people . It was not an easy task to do , But i did it . I decided to start of with Kalyan and then went to 13 people . I was really concerned about the amount that gonna be spend on making calls . I did some of the call through my mobile and some from a telephone booth , Though it dint make any difference . I asked Gaurav about the transport , He said ask kalyan , I called up kalyan and had a talk about it . He dint agree about getting his car . I could feel taut nerves . . . I just thought only one person could help me and that is Chata , I slept with only one doubt in mind - "Do no what will happen tomorrow ."
- I decided to wear my birthday dress which is of MTV . I took an amount of 3ooo/- and felt that i will be left with some thousands or hundreds , But the day ended with an amount + 300/- . I really thanked my luck and pa for giving me . .. .
- Let me put the story in front of you , Gaurav asked me to put his house as a meeting point , Which really made me feel embraced . It was so bcz of two reasons
- I was really worried about the behavior of 13 people .
- The stranded feeling of their parents because of 13 people .
- I do no about the second reason but the first one stood up . When Gaurav brought his laptop in front of 13 people , The behavior went below and that i could see on Gaurav's face . I felt like kicking myself to hell and asked to chata about this . He said - " hey ! do not feel bad about it , He is a friend and can understand " . . . I felt very relaxed . Every one was there excluding one person - The Master Mind [Gaurav , I say so because of his optimistic plans ] , He was not even ready and the time crept up to one hour late . We started of for this long and hungry journey to resort . We people were waiting there for Gaurav and his car . I was constantly calling them for being late , It then when my brain struck with a light saying - They must be buying a cake . I was very doubtful about the name they gonna put on the cake . There was another tension going parallel , That is about the restaurant . There are as many as three restaurants .

The master mind was way away from there . . .. . .. . The time finally came when we ordered for 25 nans , two veg. curries , four non veg curries , four non veg biryani and one veg biryani . We then went to cut the cake and the name which they wrote on my cake was " Suicider " , It really a funny name and I am not gonna put the story behind that . The cake was cut but people were grabbing the cake , I had to request them to eat it from my hand . It really ended with a mess , Loots of cake being put around ma face .
- This order was placed and then we rushed towards swimming pool . I never thought of getting into swimming pool . But the opportunity was good , To have a try on that . It was me , Gaurav , Avinash , Nishant , Janga , Raju . We tried to pull other but they had a fear , Which dragged them away from this blue water .
In Swimming Pool
The fun was really good but it could have been a best one , If i knew how to do it . Gaurav and Janga the "Bad Child's " . They have their silly ways of making fun , Which really disturbs us but that is the thing which makes us enjoy every sec .
- The hunger was on its way , Which pushed us towards restaurant . The food was mediocre one but the bill was a hard rocker , It was an unexpected bill . Then we went to Gandipet , We wasted some time over there and then returned to our homes .
We mostly go to two places i.e; Gandipet or small Park near necklace road . I do no why we go there but we enjoy spending some time in such places .
The party was the best one and it could not have been possible without them . This is probably My Best Birthday Party
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Back To Home
- Yesterday , I came back home after so called Industrial Tour , The funny part of this is that , We haven't visited any industry . The tour special because it's for the first time that we all students went to a far away place and spent , enjoyed , traveled , suffered together . I Always heard about the Industrial Tour and made an optimistic plan , Which stood only to a near extent . I always was in a fear of my health , Never knew what all gonna happen .
- The tour had a loots of surprises , Which shook not only me but to my friends . I show u all a brief video of all that happened but it will take some time .
- The day when we returned back to our Engineering land , Was my birthday . I thought of putting that a secret , Which dint happen . As , Soon i stepped i saw my parents waiting for me . I was not in position to talk , We rushed to house . I was asked to through my self on bed . H mm .. ... . what a sleep . .. .I slept for about 9 hrs . It was a feel of " Rest In Peace "
- As , Soon i got up from my bed , My parents wished me happy birthday . They had plans of going out and celebrate it but my body was publishing on one statement to my brain , mouth and my body .. .. . . " Don't Stop Sleeping " . I could some how drag myself and dressed up . The hunger asked us to go to hotel and we to the same old place - " Belsain Taj " . After , That we went to buy the I Pod , I was determined to buy the I Pod Classic , Which is a 80 GB capacity . I thought , The rate must slashed by one or two grand but it was not so . I was on cloud 9 , When i bought that . Immediately , I put songs and started to step into world of music . . . .. .. The day ended with some smiles and disturbed health [ The Barun ] .
- Going, to sleep in side the Home Sweet Home .
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Fate is Like Rat
- Morning i got up about 5.30 am and took head bath . It was 6.15 am when i was ready to leave for Post Office with my friend Mr.Neeraj . We went to post office at Abids very quickly , In 15 minutes and stood in line . The people behaved very badly , They pushed each other and rushed to write their names in the note book based on which they will be called for applying for pass port . We were in no mans land and by the time we understood them , It was too late . We were 3rd to be there but our names went to 15Th position . The people who came late went on to top with their evil tricks . There was a satisfaction that our names was at least in that list . It was 7.30 am when all this happened . We were asked to be there again at 10.00 am . The next second we rushed to our houses and took a deep rest .
- We decided to go to Post Office by 10.15 am . Every thing was going smoothly , But our turn dint come since 4 hrs , We were stranded and dint knew what to do . Hunger and tension struck us from both ends . We decided to wait and then my turn came in to picture , I was asked to show all proofs . I was giving one by one and then a bang came towards me when officer said that , " You should have bank statement to apply for pass port . " I was handicapped and dint knew what to do . The next second he said , " Boy we have to meet tomorrow , As its time to shut the doors of post office ." I was very disappointed , I could see loots of happiness around me . Could , you people imagine i was just short of a simple balance sheet for my pass port . I can't even go tomorrow , As i am leaving for my 10 days industrial tour .

Something So Simple And Yet Confusing
" Come On "
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Miss Understood
There went some miss understanding between me and my friends about the tour . I do no why they behaved so silent . .. . . . I am still in dilemma . This is not the problem i faced , I had to apply for pass port and not able to do it due to some or the other silly problem . Now i have every thing with me and waiting for tomorrow morning . Let's hope that every thing goes in a right way .
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
- I am having loots of fun . Enjoying with all movies , music and shopping . The resent movie which i liked the most is " The Invisible "
, I really liked a lot . I shed a lot of tears not outside but from heart . . . as the ending was a heart robbing one . I watched it twice and still in the same mood . I liked this film so much that i put some of the pics of this film in my orkut album . Then i went through another movie named - " Zodiac " . This movie made me thrilled as the suspicious guy was not in picture yet . But the story is too long to make it a boring one .
- Music has become a part of my life . . . .. And Alter Bridge
behaved as a cherry to this , To make it more good looking and more delicious . It's the only band after METALLICA that i liked so much .
- As the tour is approaching near , I enthusiasm for shopping was creeping in and don't no what all i will get . I Went to shopper stop rather than Hyderabad central for shopping . I had a lot of time to spend over there to go for shopping , I bought pair of top wear and a jean . I always had this notion of buying a watch which is huge . While going for watch i came across this name "BOSS " , The watch stood up to it's name . I liked it , my parents liked it but the price dint like us . It cost ed about 26,000 . If i would have went for that it would have one of the expensive thing which i ever owned in my life . My personality dint match the watch , I stepped back but with an intention of it being around my wrist in future .
- Though , I was very happy with my shopping but heart was around that BOSS .
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Lazy Day
Exams over .. . . Got an opportunity to sleep and What did I do , I over slept . I got up about 10.45 Am . As soon i woke up , I rushed towards television without any brush and face wash . Time asked me to have bath , But i said , "Come on yar , give me some space " . I took bath finally at 12.15 Pm . It was 1.00 pm When Lunch made a call to me , Due to a huge stuck of hunger , I pushed myself to dining table . Lunch , Was a bit satisfactory . I switched on my comp. and then put my hard disk for some movies . I had to go through a herd of diff. movies , Which took a lot of time to judge which one is good . As , I was going through them i came across this name - " Mind Hunter " . Which put a fine sound around my ears . I clicked on that and movie began ---Amazing ....Amazing . This was some thing which i was waiting for , Its about a group of Inexperienced FBI , Who are sent to an unknown island and are passed through many simulations , And game of death begins one by one . It was a Mysterious and an Enthralling story , Which will hold your nerves . I liked it ... And gonna put them in my DVD for future purpose . I was greedy enough to have an another movie in my list , Now wanted some thing horror and came across this - " Dawn OF The Dead " . This story revolved around Virus .... . .. .. I got really pissed up with this virus story . The movie began with an idiotic scene , Which i am used to it now . It put me around those Dirty people - with virus effected . Finally, This great story came to an end . I Got bored up watching these movies for more than 5 hrs .. . .. So , I went towards songs , A bit relaxing one . I was lost in music playing them in air and in my dreams . .. . . . .which asked to write a post .. . and i am doing that one .
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I dint write my exams well . I expected an horrifying fight between me and the paper but nothing so happened . The exams like LICA , DC , DICA , MEFA . . .. haven't been so good . Every day after the each exam gets over , I go through the answers and get disappointed . I put a target to each exam and made a slight effort to achieve it with huge luck but there is no short cut for these .. . Though i knew these , I push my self away from that and land on some other place . Who knows where i land on . The day of my begins from now as if "ONE DAY REMAINS" , Hope that i achieve at least this one . ...

Presently waiting for my Industrial Tour and Results . .. .. .. ..
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Stammering Day

- The day started of well , As i have prepared well for my lab exam . Today , we have LICA lab and i have well control on this subject , which put me on the seat of confidence . Rajshekhar , Asked me to pick him up , So that he does not get late to college to attend exam . I asked him to be at stop by 8.15 but the notion of subject made me get away with time . I geared up every thing and started off .
- When i reached the stop I did not find him any were . The stammering thoughts and day has shown the sign of their attack , I felt guilty that i was late by 10 minutes . I rushed to his house and asked his parents . The conversation from my said was very foolish . They were trying to control their laugh , So you can understand ... what was the situation . Apart of this talk , There was a doubt of confusion and fear ---- Where is Raj ? I rushed to stop again to cross check but found no one there . As , Time was creeping I started my ride to college with a thought that , " he must have got into bus " . I was literally going at a speed of 60kmph instead off 40kmph ..... Which i thought i would do . I came across the bus and there was a satisfaction within myself . As , I said stammering day has just begun .
- The excitement in writing the lab exam was popping out . The call of lecture came and I rushed to the room . I got LPF - Low Pass Filter , Which was very easy . I started of well but fell out in the middle , I was not getting proper result .... the tension was creeping and creeping . Apart of this pbm , There was another problem and that was of getting output ... One of the gal had to face same pbm and she expressed it with tears . We were asked to go to another lab and perform .... . This feeling of going out was like being thrown out of an Indian team for poor performance . This saying was being raised in my mind and that was , "TRy And Try , Until U Die " and did that . The success could be seen .... The stammering day has finally come to an end with success .
Monday, November 05, 2007
My Lab Exams
The Exam which i have today is DC - Digital Communication . This is subject is a grave yard for students because through out the semester we hardly attended any classes . With no all in one with me , I am harrowing . I had preapred for this last night but viva was a mater of doubt . I hardly knew about it . I went to college and came to know that i got about an hour of time to study but even that valuable time i murdered . My viva was not that great but experiment was very good . Tomorrow , i have LICA -Linear IC Application , I hope that i hit Each and Every ball of VIVA a six .
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Though , I screwed up my exams the aggregate is good . This was possible because of quite impressive marks in conventional exams . The marks scored in some subjects was at a rate of 20/20 . This was really expected one and of course has come out with some hard work and luck . The internals has come to an end with last online exam . I do no why every one was astonished towards my loyalty to exam . Every one was asking me , "why are you not copying ?" I got really vexed up . I do no they were making a mark among others r really got surprised . I was literally in no mans land . Hope that i will do well in my finals . 

"Tension was asking me to pacify"
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Online Is On
Now , Online exams are on and i do no what i will be doing . We have provided with materials but its hard enough to remember them . Other people going do the crazy method of getting and by self hard work . Its a difficult task to achieve and need to get about 15 marks in each subject .
I exams are going on and coming out of the hall quickly and earlier than other friends , Do no what the result gonna cum . Have to achieve this task appropriately and hoping to do so .
I exams are going on and coming out of the hall quickly and earlier than other friends , Do no what the result gonna cum . Have to achieve this task appropriately and hoping to do so .
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Digital Photo Key Chain
WOW ! it's really an amazing thing to see a key chain with a digital photo . I mentioned in my last post about a key chain with music . . Every new day we see a revolution in key chains . .. ha ha

This genius thing is produced by a Taiwan company named GENIUS . Let me take you through it's features .. ..

This genius thing is produced by a Taiwan company named GENIUS . Let me take you through it's features .. ..
- It has flash memory built in .
- It can store up to 80 images .
- It has calender and a digital clock
- Of course it has a colour screen about ... .can you guess its 1.0 inch
The company called it a , "WALLET STUFFED WITH FULL OF PHOTOS "
It is available in India and costs about Rs- 1399/-
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I Pod
- I will be getting my i pod soon , I do no when but it will soon in my hands . When i asked my father about buying these he said k but when i told him the price he was paused . Because it was 15,000 and that to a device for listening to music never touched his brain . I hardly asked my father about anything and when i asked him about this , He dint give a quick reaction but it was late one with some positive .
- I am waiting for the mid of december to get that Big Gadget . And sure that i will post them . . . . . ... .
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Roll Over
- Roll Over is a term used in LICA , It means decreasing sequence and that happened with me in the exams , I wrote exams very quickly . This i never did in my education life and thats a bad sign . I had a look at the question paper and wrote them on paper very quickly , came out of examination hall more earlier than that . I don't know whether its a positive one or the negative one .
- When ever i came out of examination hall with 45 minutes to spare , I always found kalyan there . . . I dono how will i do in marks ... lets c
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Exams Taking Over
- With lots of bunking classes and lots of enjoyment , Exams neared us and we were suffering with an incomplete notes . . . . I am always particular about my notes and this time i was far away from this . I went for gals notes and started writing them . . . . I was very surprised about those humongous notes . I couldn't understand them which pushed to go for some new text books . I hardly had any interest lying to study , The dates of final exams were announced and as usual i made a chart of plan . I thought of studying the present four units for internal exams , Which will reduce some burden . But But as usual i dint keep up my word and went for those units with an imperfection in them . I wanted to go for complete book but time pushed me away from them
- When i received the time table for final exam , I forward them to my friends and they were very happy to know that there were about 2 gaps for some exam and 5 for other . But when the thorough check was done , We came to know that it was not the one , The actual one had a single gap for every exam . The faces with blossomed smile came to an end as sad . It was very disappointing part of mine . I do no what we people gonna write in coming exams with half filled knowledge and notes . . ..
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Class Is Not A Place Any More
- Yeah ! Its true and it's true . .. . . . We people hardly get into class rooms . Specially , Myself . . .I was a guy who used to attend class as a part of my daily life . But, even i lost interest in that . I became a large , handsome , clever and obviously an buffon bunker .. . .Of all time that a college can ever produce . I will tell you people in detail what we do .. .from Am To Pm , From Break Fast To Dinner , From Happiness To Sadness , And so on.. .. . . . Never ending list . . .
- The day of our starts at 7.00am in the morning and some people day starts at 9.00 am - { Like - Chata } . Then usual dressing up as handsome as we could . . . . . and Time to get into bus comes . Some of my friends like Gaurav , Kalyan , Chata , Janga , Anil and so on come on their bikes . . .I really get irked because they have an advantage of free bird , Then can start like a CM and come to college . Ah . . .. .when i can come like that . Finally , We all are in college .
- The bell rings and gives us an indication to get in to class . We generally have a look at time table , Which lecturer is coming and if we feel interested then only we get into class or else we say good bye . But for the first period we close our eyes and get into class . . .The funny thing is that those free birds come into class in the mid way and get a bang from lecture and it is minor quantity . The first period , We listen with some concentration and write them in notes . . Then 2ND , 3rd and 4Th period comes . . . . by that time we are well exhausted to get out of class and get into big room of lunch box . We all share our box , But no one has authority to gallop all food individually . . .
- Let , Me tell you whose food is better and whose worse . . .well hardly to come across a good food from an individual . . there is no consistency from any one just like Indian team . On aggregate , I can say Kalyans and Gauravs are on top list , The third is of Ranjiths and well below that rest comes .
Kalyans Food -
The Idlys are awesome .. . . We start mouth watering with a small fragrance of it . We people behave like goons for those idly . . .I bet all restaurants that they can't make better than these . Last , Time when i went to KALYANS house , I forgot to thank his MOM for making such wonder full Idlys .
Gauravs Food -
He gets Bread Toast with loooots of cheese and vegetables in that . . which makes it more and more delicious . We grab it and start having them with sauce . . But he gets them so less that we have to be more Deceptive , Clever And Dangerous to have them .
Gauravs Food -
He gets Bread Toast with loooots of cheese and vegetables in that . . which makes it more and more delicious . We grab it and start having them with sauce . . But he gets them so less that we have to be more Deceptive , Clever And Dangerous to have them .
- As soon lunch break gets over we go and sit on grass , Which is used to us . . . when bell starts ringing , We all get to MRIT canteen or else to MRIT parking place , We sit for more than an hour and go on chatting some or the other bull shit . Then we message to guys in class room asking them , "Whether the class got over or not ." We get into the class room for bags . We have been worrying about our attendance , Which forced us to get in those rooms which is no more a friendly one . . . .
I do no how we people are going to land on but these are part of a handsome college life and one should experience these . . . .
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
- The cheery of engineering cake , What i call as a tour . This is theoretically an industrial tour but we people r very practical to think that as a picnic . Students were interested to go to Goa , Which is a paradise for youth . But as there is no industry lying there - we were forced to eliminate it . Then thought of North zone came into mind . The zone was selected but what about places . It was not that tough to decide the places . We decided to go to Delhi[capital ] , Amritsar , Shim la , Kullu Manali , Wagah Border And Agra .
- The places have been selected and now its the time to select a travel agency . The travel agency we selected and that is Swift Travels . This is a very good agency , not only gives good price but also food - Which has been a complement from every one .
- The good about this period was ..that all the things were done by our group . There was no help taken from other members apart of group and teachers . We started up from scrap ..... . There were many people who did their work but my work was only taking" print out " of a list .....ha ha
- The price initially to be paid was 1500/- as a advance and remaining 4000/- were to be given before date of departure . The burden of collecting money was thrown on to CR and Janga . They had little nightmares in completing the job . Well , How can we expect things to go smooth , The roughness to this was added up by some people - " Those ppl had to drop down from list for some reason " . This really hindered us . When this hard rock was drilled another was waiting . This was the climatic conditions , Its going to be very cold in North during month of December . . . .But we had no way to step down .. .To prevail this condition we decided to take some warm clothes with us .
- Interestingly , Many other colleges opted the same agency and some to same places . Most of them have their industrial tour in the same month . So , lets cross the fingers and wait for the result i.e; Whose trip gonna turn out to be most interesting one .
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
A Car More Than F1

I am talking about this after many months of its release at Frankfurt motor show . This i came across a TV show , Which amused every one . I was more amused when i saw that being driven by a journalist of TOP GEAR . it was really an amazing one . I saw a car being driven at a speed of 256 MPH or 407 KMPH . The test drive was taken at VOLKSWAGEN testing track .
We can't see the other end of road because it follows the curvature of earth ..... WOW !
The car had a touched amazingly 407 and the driver eyes were watered because of the speed .
We can't see the other end of road because it follows the curvature of earth ..... WOW !
The car had a touched amazingly 407 and the driver eyes were watered because of the speed .

Let , ME talk about this car now ---
Friday, September 28, 2007
Mumbai On Stand Still

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Whoomp ! It is back .

- The T-20 world cup squad was announced by all the country board . But , BCCI 15 member squad was a shocking selection , As there were no sachins , sauravs , dravids and zaheers . The board was confident that INDIAN team cannot win world cup , As Australia were the strong contenders . Sachin , Saurav and Dravid had very interest to play T-20 world cup but that was screwed up by BCCI . The people also thought that without three experienced players team INDIA can't win world cup .
- The T2o started up with an great win by underdog teams against the bully teams like Zimbabwe , Bangladesh . Team INDIA match was with Pakistan and they won by bowl out . As, soon the first match was won by India people thought that , - hey we need to give a look to the matches happening . Suddenly , People were gazing at TV sets for each and every match .
- Team India went to semis with an embarking win against teams like South Africa , England . The six sixes of Yuvraj against England in six balls was not less than surprise . He has not only become the 1st player to hit 6 six's in a row but also he is has scored fastest fifty i.e, in 12 balls . WOW ! Finally , We got with Australia and won against them . This was another bang to surprise that they defeated the chaps of world cup .
- The match It turned out to be a CRICKET match . Finals , It was IND Vs PAK . The match was on and every child , Aged and Youth put every thing in the match . The each and every emotion was coming out of people rather than players . It turned out to be a real final match , It turned out to be a real IND-PAK ,The driver seat was on India side and sometimes on Pakistan side . This went for a huge time holding the nerves of people . I was one of them . As, people saw that India has won the world cup ,they thought there is some wrong but oops ... .. .. . it's really .People showed their emotion on road . The day was climbing up with Ganesh Immersion and World Cup .I went to the Tera's and hanged over there to watch all emotions . People were doing rally over bikes and cars . I wish i could have done it .The world cup was a cake and Sharukh khan being there to congratulate boys was just like cherry on cake . I couldn't enjoy much by doing a rally or so , I will Try some time later ...
- I end up this saying ---- --- CHAK DE INDIA

Saturday, September 22, 2007
VW - Up! With Me
This is first of its kind post in my blog which deals with automobile . And what a great start is this with VW Up ! , Hope to give many such posts on this industry in future .

This is a designer car . This is an outcome of big engineering and design into motion . This is Volkswagen Up a concept car , Which is coming to market very soon . This is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and technology . This puts life in a great motion . This has all languages i.e it can be used as a car for job , university , excursion .. .. It fits to all gates that a car owner need .
This is a four seater car with rear engine and 3 cylinder but main thing is fuel efficiency that makes all difference . Presently , The world where fuel prices are touching huge marks , Owner need something like this and the VW has hit on that .. .. . .They said this willl be soon in INDIAN market by late 2010 . This can get up to an fuel efficient of 30 kpl , hopes to extend up to 33kpl and beyond . Look at the rear - made of full glass
This is a four seater car with rear engine and 3 cylinder but main thing is fuel efficiency that makes all difference . Presently , The world where fuel prices are touching huge marks , Owner need something like this and the VW has hit on that .. .. . .They said this willl be soon in INDIAN market by late 2010 . This can get up to an fuel efficient of 30 kpl , hopes to extend up to 33kpl and beyond . Look at the rear - made of full glass

As , This is coming in 2010 hope I own that .
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Jai Ganesh
- My favourite festival has finally arrived but it is disappointing because this year for the first time i could see our apartment without a Ganesh idol . This was never expected , I even thought to give a visit to all Ganesh mandals in Hyderabad but even that dint turn up . I only thing which i could do is watching lord Ganesh on television
- This is the only festival in which i do fasting for a day . I have been doing it for about 8 yrs , i guess and it will be going on and on . The atmosphere around just changes dramatically with huge sounds and noise . The different about this time Ganesh idols was that most of them were Eco friendly . The Ganesh idols were made of clay instead of plaster of paris , The colours were given by natural dye . The hussain sagar lake was very happy to find that Ganesh idols dumped on him are safe one .
Friday, September 14, 2007
Records - crackords
- This is an irritating thing which has no use to us but there is use to Pen companies , As we need to use pack of riffles to write them and they earn lot of profit . I think there is a joint venture between pen companies and educational institutions -- - its just a thought leave it . We know , Teachers know , Examiner know , Education board know that we copy and paste them in record even though we do it .
- I always complete my work by myself , I don't push that on others just as my friends do it .I my engineering yrs , I have struggled a lot to keep it as perfect as possible but at the end the teachers correct them very horribly and i stand aside a give a smile to my hard work , Thinking that its all waste .
Monday, September 10, 2007
All what i want
- The holidays of 3-1 supply was not wasted in studies but used in enjoyment , Which i dreamt of ? . I said so because every time i get a package of holidays , I think only about studies and end up losing the fun and the most important studies . I do no why the hell i land up there . My teachers always said to make plans and when i make it they just become clouds . These holidays is one of the most enjoying holidays ever in my life . There was this fun satisfaction but some where in the corner i was sulking about studies , about my vengeance to get good marks .
- The 3-1 has been the semester of fun . This apply not only to me but to us . I started doing the things which i never did r never thought . It was bunking , watching movies , getting techie , sitting in front of crt , logging to parties , going to theater , eating in canteen , taking my bike out , going to distant places on bike etc . There were some great out comes , Which put myself in a little part of humdinger . For every happy period there will be a sad period , Here the happy period was the fun we had and sad part was that as soon the holidays logged off , The online exams were standing in front . The other people dint have problem with exams , As a source was available for them to get easy good marks but not in my case . The source was copying , I could have scored the better marks but the enemy [lazyness ] put an end to that , The expectation of getting good marks were going down and down for every exam but time taken to log out of exam was going up and u p . . I used to get out of hall early and was asking myself - Oh ! god , Can i ever make it . Neither , God nor me could answer that . . and i could see 20 on 20 from my friends . . . . ....and me 12 on 20 .
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Go Karting
- We were finally there with an unexpected spot of celebration . This spot was go karting which is named as Runway 9 , That comes on the way to our college . It was the birthday time of G.V.Karthik , I thought we will be in a restaurant but turned out to be Kart .
- The timing was set to 9.30 Am , First one were Raju and Chanakya to step there and waited for as long as 2 hours . They were later joined by Kalyan and others. I and Gaurav reached late and as soon we entered , The enthusiasm was creeping out and in that feeling we saw , learned - Driving a Kart . Ranjith was the one who missed out the fun .
- The tickets were taken and time of handling kart was sooner . We were asked to put helmet and Jacket . We sat in kart and race was on .. .. . Wow man i was feeling the fun , Which i hardly did in my life . The handling was bit tough but that dint stop us . .. . the guys who wanted to have childish fun - they did it by dashing others for no reason . I expected gau to b winner but he either very humble to others r he was humble to his kart . Kalyan came out to b winner and he defeated 2 guys by a lap . I dono where i landed but guys were very surprised at my take on kart . They expected me to drive the kart as a bullock cart .
- The feeling of fun went on like a bullet and our pockets had bad holes . We went on for 3 times but kalyan , gaurav and janga went for four ...surprisingly kalyan turned out to be winner in all takes . Gaurav took karting as drug and so as i .
- People were putting a question mark on my driving - The situation was as if Ranjan Mattugule is putting question mark on bowling action . . tat sounds a bit odd . The fun has to come to an end as one of my friends father expired , I really felt bad . We called up other people and rushed to his house . Hmm. . ... i never went to any ones funeral and it moved me to a great mark . . I don't like to talk about it and as a part of respect i left the previous post blank .Let's , hope he and his family comes out of this situation with a smile on their faces .
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Racism - A Bloody Mark
This was send by my friend Eashwar Singh Rajput , So that i could direct people about racism and it goes in this way -- - -- -
Robin: The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK, " "When I grew up I was BLACK, " "When I'm sick I'm BLACK, " "When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, " "When I'm cold I'm BLACK, " "When I die I'll be BLACK." "But you sir." "When you're born you're pink, " "When you grow up you're white, " "When you're sick, you're green, " "When you go in the sun you turn red, " "When you're cold you turn blue, " "And when you die you turn purple."
"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away....
This is for people who HATE racism"""""
Thursday, September 06, 2007
- Another , Party was on and that was of my friend Chaitanya . We are making a tour of all restaurants in hyderabad , So Chaitanya decided to give in Celebrity Club . I was very much exited because i see a lot of news about celebrity club specially the glamour world . Chaitanya send messages to all asking to be there by 11.30 am .
- I suddenly happened to go to places on my activa which i have never ever done before . My friends were shocked too . I started at my usual time and went near shopper stop as told by Chaitanya because i never knew where was celebrity club . I called him up and he directed route to that place . As , usual except me and other2 fnds , I could find no one . We waited for about 15 min and decided to go to shopper's stop . We reached and were going through the gadgets . The birthday boy was there so we rushed back to our position quickly . But , again as usual still three of friends were missing . We had to wait them for 1 hour which pissed us to toppest mark . We were banging calls to them and finally we could see them with us . As , Soon they came we rushed only to one place . . .. .. ... and that was the club . We went there and started jabbing the food . People , Who were veggie dint have lot of fun with food compared to Non - Veg and i was one of them . During the food we had lot of humour pouring from Mr.Gaurav who targeted MR. KArthik for his funny actions which make us think that he is born Rajinikanth and the other was Mr. Raju for his humongous smile .
- The humour extended when we went to a park in Necklace Road , There we played kabbadi . Which led to torn shirts and T-Shirts . We spent a long time discussing about the next party , The place where it has to be given . During , These discussions we something happening write 45 degrees to us . Which dragged the attraction of many of them . I was irked looking at such things and day ended with a question banging at me i.e; Can we have a a a a a Disciplined park any where in the city ?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
- What more can i expect from happiness . .. . .It started from morning at around 8.34 AM , When Ranjith's was calling up but lack of battery it was not possible . I was as usual in my sleep till 9 AM . Ranjith's called up Kalyan's and asked him to speak me . He called on my Airtel land line and i woke up just some seconds from there . I lifted the phone , Then kalyan's asked me to call up Ranjith's . I called up Ranjith's but he dint pick up the phone , For which i have to call up kalyan's again . These sequences came to an end when Ranjith's called me up . He asked me to come to party which G.V.Karthik's was giving . I was really uninterested in that for which i have no answer . Kalyan's told me that all the people going to come to his house and discuss where the party gonna held . Kalyan's place has become a meting place for such things . .hm...........
- There was sudden burst of calls to me . In some weeks the phone was not less than a dead body . I was bumbled , My parents and My phone too . Friend were asking me to come but my interest was barrier to that . My parents said me to attend that party . I was thinking and thinking , Then came to conclusion that i am going there . Ranjith's wanted me to pick him up but later he called up Gaurav's . I never ever thought in my life that i could be able to go to Banjara Hills on my bike same my friend thought of it . Some , how i reached Hyderabad central and called up Gaurav's then Kalyan's then Ranjith 's . I was finally found by Gaurav's who was angry on me . We rushed into a restaurant named INDIJO in city center . The good thing about that is the food with very good price which was liked by all my friends . We reached there about 12.15 PM and were the only one . But, In no time it was packed like a cricket stadium which is hosting a match between India And Pakistan . People were standing out side and we all were happy that we are not one of them . The restaurant was seen with more number of gals . Every ones eyes went on them hm.............
- We wanted to stay there for a long time but we were indirectly asked to leave it . Food was yummy but less then Non- Veg . The surprisingly thing was that party was given by Ranjith's but not G.v.Karthik's . Tummies looked bigger than they were . We wanted some more fun so went to Dhurgam Cheru a park near jubblie hills . There we went for some exploration which was a De- Exploration and suprisingly people who came there also went for some exploration . The people who know about the history of this park can understand what was the De- Exploration . The park had some discussion about our marks and about the park . Later , We went for boat ride and went for a race . One boat consisted of me , Raju's , Gau's , Kalyan's and the other boat Chata's , Ranjith's and Harish's . We people made full use of boating but the other were not able to handle the boat . Gau's went on sprinkling water which later extended to throwing water on other boat. theoritically he was throwing on Ranjith's boat but practically cam on me . And i was wet top to bottom . My inner wears also got wet . I was really irked but the enjoyment suppressed all the odds . Ranjith's boat who had bad r worse handling spent more than the required time for which they paid extra money . man man . . .
- We rushed to chata's place were final touch to this enjoyment was given . We had some chat and fun .
The highlight of the story was that the water which both the parties were throwing on each other was a cleaned form of drainage water as said by KILARU. Yuck . . . . . Yuck and Friends landed their homes saying Yuck .
Thursday, August 30, 2007
- There has been lot happening in World especially in India . Today , There was a rally going on of BJP and CONGRESS in Shimla , At the same time a 6 year old boy had some health problem . He was being rushed to hospital with a hope of surviving but the people i.e political people didn't happen do this . He was in the middle of the way and there was clash between two political people , Which gave a huge hype to big Traffic jam where that 6 year old boy was fighting for his life . Finally , He died in that clash . Doctors said that he could have been survived if he was brought to hospital 5 minutes earlier . Because of the useless clash , It lead to death of a son , of a human being , of a child and of an Indian. I was very upset with the the people . The political people through their fault on opposition . The death ended in politics .
- There was clash between people and police in UP and MP . The similar happened in Delhi . Every thing is happening and it will be happening Until and unless there is a full stop to this .
Monday, August 27, 2007
Zen Stone In INDIA
- Creative opened it's phase in mp3 industry with Creative Zen Stone , The first generation creative MP3 . Now , with some great changes Creative has announced Creative Zen Stone Plus , which is available in INDIA . This has OLED screen and stop watch function . This has Capacity of 2 GB .
- There wide range of colour's like Black , Blue , Pink , Red , White and Green . It has FM and Voice Recording Function . According , to company it has continuous play back of 9.5 hours and requires no driver installation , You can just drag and drop the songs in to this .
- It comes with wide range of accessories like arm abnd , wrist band , skin with clip , key chain . This player can be sported as a wrist watch with it's inbuilt watch . The cost is about 4999/- and comes with a guarantee of 1 year .
- The wide range of accessories made it go different from other player . I am going for this , Hope you do the same .
Thursday, August 23, 2007
- Sony Ericsson is really making some great designs and stylish phones , Which makes people go crazy ... and S500i is one of them . This is a slider phone which is quite smooth . The 2-inch screen looks really good . But , the factor of key pad goes down that is really a big problem . Though , it is handy but they could have made really go with the phones. The other thing is that a 3 in 1 connection has been given i.e; usb, charger, earphones .
- The camera can be used only when key pad is opened .The keys have hindi alphabets which puts hindi user is safe place .
There are some dedicated camera key which is at the top . It has the shortcuts as usual .
- The abhor part of phone is the M2 SD slot , This is placed near the power button , at the top . To push the card you need to have bigger nails . This do not have FM radio and battery life is poor .
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